Posted in Artistic, cheverloo, geekery, idiosyncrasies, Ikemen, Portraits

A journey into portraiture

Lately, I have felt that I have progressed as an artist.  I know my art powers have leveled up. I could compare my old portraits to the ones I have now and are working on now, I believe that I have truly gone up a notch – but that isn’t the only thing that has levelled up.  The longer I work on the portraits,  the more I feel calm – in short, art is doing amazing things for my impatience and temper.

Portraiture is a hobby I started primarily because I want to draw something from life. I want to capture people in their finest hours and make them into art, but it’s not something I can just pick up a pencil and do.  Unlike Manga and Anime art, which I still yet have to improve,  portraiture requires patience. It requires practice and a lot of it to get to draw real people. I started last year, but I didn’t have the guts to continue it til now.


This is a former art of mine. This was my style before. But, I felt that it was still way too cartoonish I felt like I am staring at a manga right now, altough, admittedly, she was cosplaying, that wasn’t my aim. The colors are too solid and it feels really funny to me. The picture of Ryo was drawn for several hours and is a bit better, but the lips and a lot of the features lack realism.  Though it is a good render and I am proud of this, I wanted to do better.

Midway, I started to find myself in between anime and realism.

Neeko’s eyes are amazing (pink hair) but yes, she does look likea n anime character and I don’t know if it is just my coloring or it’s my scanner but she looks fake.  While this failed picture of the prince Fukki ( Left redhead portrait) totally makes me annoyed. I hate the way it looks. I actually think he looks likea  cartoon.

This one of Ichinose Hiedekazu (on bristol) looks amazing except for the toning of the face and the badly rendered hair. I should go back to this and fix this.

Then I came up with this, which is 1000x better than the first Fujiwara Yuuki portrait. I believe that I finally made it, except for the lack of toning and the darkened lips (which made him look like his character in the play maria na magdala).

If you click the photo above of Kuroki Meisa, you will find that I finally almost got it. 😀 It is the first portrait I worked on for two days (maybe I will upload a collage of the making of Kuroki, pictures) but she was amazing 2 days of work and still , I know I have a lot more to work on (i.e. Toning,Shadowing)… but this only goes to show that practice DOES make perfect.  And someday, I know, I’ll make a picture so lifelike that you’ll think its a picture!

Posted in because i'm a girl, cheverloo, fangirly

Wavering over Lal

Thanks to the lovely Ayafreya I am entertaining odd thoughts off pulling off  Lal Mirch in my little head. Muses are egging me on. However, can I really do it?

There are many things to consider now. I have a bf to think about. Then, I also am an executive. These things sem unrelated but I saw what not considering them could do in my life.

Had I been younger and had a different life, i would have done it in a heartbeat. But, now I have to think a lot about it.


Decisions, decisions. I could pull her off. But…

Ahaha …

maybe I should just cosplay nana sawada

Posted in <3, cheverloo

Sleep Finally.

Thank you, Sleepasil.

You are God’s gift to me. I finally got that good night’s slieep that I’ve been DREAMING  about for weeks now. So, I hope I get that again tonight. (God, Please!) It feels so good to wake up refreshed and not more tired than I was before I went to sleep. It feels amazing to roll over, smile and actually not GROWL in the morning. It just feels good. PERIOD.

So, now that I have had my share of sleep, my next mission is to reorganize my thoughts, my muses and actually write again. I just updated my account and have gotten some good reviews with some of what I am writing. I’m glad that I made that account then, everything was sleeping in my LJ account which was made for writing. I guess, since I need a place to write down ideas and to bounce off my brainchildren and muses, I could use that account to do just that.

Ack! Gotta go. Grandma day!

Posted in <3, because i'm a girl, cheverloo, dear god, hope you got my letter, deep thoughts

… Things

Things have been peaceful lately. I started to work again. That’s always a plus and we’ve been setting up shop pretty well. Things are going to be great once the whole thing is underway.  Let us just hope and pray that life throws us good things this time.

It’s really refreshing. It’s a good feeling to have that life is starting to move positively. I have to work hard to keep at it.  Being positive is hard work for a person who is easily affected like me. I don’t show it much but I did get really down and now, I have to get back on my feet.

I actually gained back the weight I lost which is depressing. I have to go back to dieting which I started today. I have to get back muses I have lost since I have to be more creative. I noticed that I am so much more happier when muses are well fed. There is no excuse for the laziness and procrastination that I’ve done in the past few months, but I hope to make up for it.

N and I are doing great. He’s talking about more serious stuff now. Let’s enjoy this and see what happens…